The Mad Courtesan

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E-book, E-Book (USA), Paperback


Author Edward Marston
Rights UK & Comm ex. Canada
ISBN 9780749010331
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The fifth book in the Nicholas Bracewell series


A vicious rivalry threatens to cause chaos for Lord Westfield’s Men when the onstage duels between Owen Elias and Sebastian Carrick become ever more realistic. However, it is an axe that splits open Sebastian’s head one night in a Clerkenwell alley.


Company book holder Nicholas Bracewell, accustomed to damage control, begins to investigate the victim’s death and learns that in life, he was prone to make enemies from his weakness for women and his willingness to settle his debts. A web of deception has in fact been spun that stretches from lowly to high ranking courtesans, all the way to the Virgin Queen.


More titles available in the series: The Queen’s Head, The Merry Devils, The Trip to Jerusalem, The Nine Giants, The Silent Woman.

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