Race to the Kill

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E-book, E-Book (USA), Hardback, Paperback


Author Helen Cadbury
Rights World English
ISBN 9780749022617
Pages 352
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It is the middle of a long night shift for PC Sean Denton and his partner PC Gavin Wentworth when they are approached by a dishevelled-looking woman desperate that they follow her. She leads them to the old Chasebridge High School where they find the dead body of a Syrian refugee. The investigation which points to the neighbouring greyhound stadium finds Denton caught up in a world of immigration, drugs and sexual abuse, and one in which his private life becomes increasingly entwined.


‘Race to the Kill is a taut mystery populated with characters that live and breathe. Read this, then go and read the other Sean Denton books now: you won’t regret it.’ – Mason Cross, author of the Carter Blake series.




What The Critics Said

'Race to the Kill is a taut mystery populated with characters that live and breathe. Read this, then go and read the other Sean Denton books now: you won't regret it.'

Mason Cross

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