The lesser-known Northumberland treasure…

I have just returned from a week’s holiday visiting family in the north of England. My parents have a little holiday cabin by the sea in Bamburgh, Northumberland so it’s as north and as cold as it gets. Although rather chilly, the fresh sea air worked wonders.

Bamaburgh_castle_water_sandOn the drive back to my parent’s house in Yorkshire, my dad decided we needed a little detour in Alnwick. Little did I know he had something particular in mind. He took me to Barter Books, a great second-hand bookshop complete with roaring fireplaces, comfy chairs and a cafe. Not only was it huge, the selection of books was wonderfully eclectic – everything from Folio Society editions to our very own A&B titles. At the back of the shop in protective glass casing are first editions; I spotted a first edition Pride & Prejudice for £7000! A little bit out of my price range unfortunately.  But if you’re ever in the north, a venture to Barter Books is a must. And the cookies were delicious. Arris,-Peter-13-2

Anyone come across any other lovely second-hand bookshops?

Sophie Robinson, Editorial Administrator

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