Speaking of Literary Tattoos…

Yesterday we were talking about tattoos in the office…as you do. It was more a discussion of tattoos that had either gone awry, or perhaps the content of which had not lived up to the longevity the wearer was expecting. For instance, Cheryl Cole’s ‘Mrs C’, and Johnny Depp’s ‘Winona Forever’.

And you know how once something hits your radar, it keeps on popping up? A day later and Scott Pack was blogging about a book he is reading called The Word Made Flesh: Literary Tattoos from Bookworms Worldwide. It seems some people are so moved by a sentence or phrase in books or poems that they go on to embellish their bodies with their chosen mantra. If you’re into body art, I think this beats a bulldog or a rose any day.  Check out the book’s Tattoolit website for inspirational tattoo photos.

We’ve had our share of tattoo fun with our stick-on Morganville Vampire tattoos and soon, with Gale Force coming out this summer, it’ll be time to get the stick-on Weather Warden ones out!

Lara Crisp, Managing Editor

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