May I suggest a June Thomson novel, Sharapova?

In this week’s Stylist, tennis star Maria Sharapova reveals that she loves Sherlock Holmes films and books. So, I have a mind to send her copies of June Thomson‘s brilliant pastiches including Holmes & Watson, The Secret Notebook of Sherlock Holmes, The Secret Archives of Sherlock Holmes, and The Secret Journal of Sherlock Holmes. Now that she’s sadly out of the Wimbledon Tournament, she may indeed have time time to tuck into a good Holmes mystery.

In fact, we’ve just sold Russian rights to The Secret Journal of Sherlock Holmes  so soon the entire series will be available in her mother-tongue. I happen to love the rolling, liquid sound of the language and can imagine Sherlock would sound rather dashing in Russian…

‘Elementarny, dogorov Watson.’

Chiara Priorelli, Publicity & Online Marketing Manager


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