The Sweet Smell of Decay

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E-book, E-Book (USA), Paperback


Author Paul Lawrence
Rights World English
ISBN 9780749015428
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It’s London, 1664, and Harry has a big problem.

Harry Lytle has just discovered he has a young cousin, Anne Giles. But he’s had the pleasure of meeting her for the first time as a corpse. With some robust assistance from David Dowling, a resourceful, impressively well-built, but hygiene-deficient, butcher, Harry sets out to track down Anne’s killer. Together they follow a trail of blood, conspiracy and corruption that takes them to the dark and murky corners of Restoration London, featuring a great cast of ne’er-do-wells, cheeky wenches, harmless witches, likeable villains, and not a few unsavoury fellows keen on sending Lytle and his companion to an early grave.

What The Critics Said

'You can pretty much smell the stinking air as Lytle and Dowling squelch their way through the investigation... From an assured and 'cut above' writer, 'The Sweet Smell of Decay' comes very highly recommended'

Cheltenham Standard

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