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Lavender Lane


E-book, E-Book (USA), Hardback, Paperback

Author Anna Jacobs
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Chance brings Nina Thomas and elderly Laura Chadwick together at just the time when Laura is in need of a friend to help with an interfering family member. Their growing bond is one thing that Nina will be sorry to leave behind as she relocates from Australia to England, but they promise to stay in touch. It will prove to be a significant friendship.

In England, Nina’s path soon crosses with Sean Reynolds and she finds herself taking on a project larger than she had ever expected: Lavender Lane. Apparently, the welcoming group of properties was a convalescent home for officers from the armed forces, although it has been closed for a few years. Reopening the site is going to be a challenge for Nina and Lavender Lane has a number of surprises awaiting her, so settling down and making it her home might not be straight forward.

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