Attention! Mind the gap and the virtuoso

I’m a just little late coming to this article, but back in 2007 The Washington Post did a little experiment involving world-famous violinist Joshua Bell busking incognito at Washington DC’s L’Enfant Plaza metro station. Bell is a virtuoso and he was playing a Stradivarius for which he reportedly paid $3.5 million. He was recognised by one person, only a handful of people paused to listen with a few more chipping some cash into his violin case. You can read the full story here.

I can easily picture myself as one of the people hurrying by, preoccupied by a mundane to-do list. It makes you wonder what else we might be missing out on through inattention or its appearance out of context. If you have any good examples of great art or beauty hiding in plain sight, please do share them here.

Lesley Crooks, Sales & Digital Manager

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