Your language needs you!

We’re all used to hearing news stories every year about the shiny new words that have had the official stamp of acceptance by the English language and have made it into one of the dictionaries. Just the other day, chillax made headlines as it was welcomed into the Oxfrod Dictionary of English (how a word that I first remember from the film Superbad has come so far so quickly, I don’t know). But spare a thought for the plight of words on their last legs and desperately in need of someone to love, care and appreciate them.

Can you offer a unique and probably tongue-twisty word a good home? Then visit and pledge to ‘adopt’ a word into your daily vocabulary. I think ‘jussulent’ (adj. full of broth or soup), the word I’ve adopted, is the perfect word to take on as summer fades and I’ve felt a nip in the air of late. Time for some hearty tomato and chorizo soup…

Lesley-Anne Crooks, Sales & Digital Manager

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