We’re back!

WHOOSH! (The sound of something hurtling past)
What was that?
Oh yes, that would be The Christmas Holidays.

Yes, we’re back! (Did you miss us?) We’re sitting here with the heating cranked up, sifting through the mass of emails in our inboxes and getting stuck into work again – in my case armed with copious amounts of highly caffeinated tea (after a week of sleeping in, I must admit today’s 6.45am wake-up-call was pretty gruelling…).

Hope everyone had a lovely break, a good start to the new decade, and was spoiled rotten with gifts! Needless to say, plenty of books found their way under my family’s Christmas tree and amongst them were: The Help, by Kathryn Stockett, The Gladiator, by Simon Scarrow, Russia Against Napoleon, by Dominic LievenOz Clarke’s 250 Best Wines 2010 , The Next 100 Years, by George Friedman, Organic Gardening: The Whole Story, by Alan & Jackie Gear and The Piano Teacher, by Janice Y.K. Lee (the latter two pictured below because I love both covers).

Spending January 2010 indoors reading sounds like the perfect plan. Although British Airways would like you to think otherwise…what with their seven (count them – seven) full-page ads in today’s Metro.  Nice try guys, but me thinks many-a-people’s New Year’s Resolutions might involve not booking with British Airways again…

Chiara Priorelli, Publicity Manager

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