The next books on the To Be Read list…

Currently I find myself in the rare situation of having nothing to read. I usually have a stack of unread books at home which I gradually deplete until the next stack arrives with my birthday, Christmas, or an unfortunate spending splurge in a bookshop. My most recent buys were Anna Karenina and On Chesil Beach, both of which I’ve now finished (Anna Karenina took me weeks and On Chesil Beach a couple of days). So now I’m itching for some more new books – here are a few I really want to read at the moment:

Tigers in Red Weather by Liza Klaussman: The gorgeous cover design first drew me to this book, which I’m now intrigued by. We’ve had fun with the slightly tongue-twisting title in the office, getting confused and calling it things like ‘Yellow Leather Tigers’ (the yellow cover does stick in your mind!)

Why be Happy When You Could be Normal? by Jeanette Winterson: I’m a bit behind the times, because I think most people have already read this. It’s had some great reviews and although I didn’t enjoy the Jeanette Winterson I studied in university, I think I might prefer her memoirs.

The Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling: Not quite published yet, but as I was a huge Harry Potter fan and everyone in the publishing world will be talking about it, I’m going to have to buy this as soon as it comes out! Interested to see a different side to Rowling…

Any other recommendations for my next buys? Hopefully my no-books situation will be remedied very soon . . . off to the nearest Waterstones I think!

Sara Magness, Editorial Administrator

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