Shall thy listen to the rules of marketing?

I recently ordered a copy of Darcy Bussell’s Pilates for Life DVD off Amazon. (This is my attempt to keep fit now that I have temporarily frozen my gym membership – simultaneously contributing to Fitness First’s loss in earnings as reported in the papers this week.) Anyway, the DVD arrived in the post and enclosed with it was a leaflet advertising “The Best Sirloin, Rib-eye and Filet Steak Cuts from”

Interesting combo.

Is your average Pilates fan the most likely person to tuck into slabs of red meat? Surely this should be an example of what isn’t cost-effective targeted marketing.  Ideally they should be asking Amazon to only enclose the leaflets with orders for the likes of Pumping Iron or Top Gear Box Set or The Best Ever Meat Lover’s Cookbook.

And yet here I am, blogging about the advert here, effectively disseminating news of Donald Russell’s meat products to all of you reading this, who may indeed now be thinking “Oooh, I could really do with a steak tonight”, and may well decide to purchase aforementioned rib-eyes. So what does that teach you?

Chiara Priorelli, Publicity Manager

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