Does my computer do it on purpose?

This week has been a bit of a more technical week for me…ie I’ve been glued to the computer working on a lot of web related content ready for our August highlights and also on one of our fab Morganville Vampire Competition prizes, the Morganville Yearbook (School Diary).

That means a lot of work in Content Management Systems, HTML, Photoshop, InDesign…uploading, formatting, copying, pasting, saving, reformatting files, transferring fonts and files via USB ports and CDs as I switch from work PC to laptop at home… etc.

This also means that this week has seen me sighing alot, swearing at my computer and asking it questions like “What do mean ‘Error!?‘”,” Why? Why can’t you read that CD?”, “What did you just do with that file?” and most often than not, “Why are you doing this to me you piece of…!?”

I’ve come to think that my computer is well aware of its effect on my stress levels, and actually takes a degree of pleasure in making my life difficult. So it would not surprise me if the next time a glitch occurs I get this message…

Have a good weeekend.

Chiara Priorelli, Publicity & Online Marketing Manager

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