Discovering more free apps

As a relatively new iPhone user, I’m still discovering plenty that my new gadget has to offer. A browse through the app store the other day revealed plenty of freebies…

From the useful: The National Trust app – suggestions for days out around the UK, might very well use this come summer time.

To the very very random: The Cadbury’s Crème Egg apps (I’m still in Easter-mode) –  you can enter the competition to find the eggs that have scattered all over the UK or you can have ‘fun’ scrambling an egg on screen… I can feel it rotting my teeth virtually.

Any other absurd apps or favourites you’ve come across?

Lesley Crooks, Sales & Digital Manager

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One thought on “Discovering more free apps”

  1. Funnily enough we were talking about apps this weekend (whilst watching the Masters Golf Tournament) and I learned that most big sporting events come with free apps. My mate also mentioned he loved the fact he has the entire works of Shakespeare on his iphone with the Shakespeare app

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