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The Sting of Death

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Read An Extract of The Sting of Death

E-book, E-Book (USA), Paperback


Author Rebecca Tope
Rights World
ISBN 9780749025816
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A West Country Mystery


It’s with mixed motives that Karen Slocombe’s cousin Penn pays her a visit one summer Sunday. Not only does Penn want to renew contact with a relative not seen since childhood, but she is also looking for help with the disappearance of Justine, another cousin. Drew Slocombe’s reputation for unravelling such mysteries is widespread and Penn hopes he and Karen can be of assistance. Justine’s mother, Roma Millan, an avid beekeeper, claims to be unconcerned at her daughter’s disappearance. Roma’s husband, Laurie, however, believes otherwise, although he is not aware of the tangle of family secrets that led to a five-year estrangement between Roma and Justine.

Drew and his business partner Maggs enter into the investigation with scant enthusiasm at first. However, when they encounter Detective Sergeant Den Cooper, feelings become considerably stronger. The realisation that a small child is also missing further escalates the sense of urgency for all concerned.

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