Wednesday Cover Story: The Budd Schulberg Dilemma

In our office meeting this morning, we discussed the new covers for three Budd Schulberg titles we are republishing in April next year: boxing novel The Harder They Fall (also made into a movie starring Humphrey Bogart);  The Disenchanted (the thinly disguised novel about Scott Fitzgerald’s stab at writing a script for Hollywood) and On the Waterfront (Schulberg’s most famous book and immortalised on screen by the great Marlon Brando).

They will be joining our Allison & Busby Classics list and our art editor, Christina, has already come up with lovely designs for The Harder they Fall and The Disenchanted – featuring one object on a simple background.  (And no, I’m not going to reveal them yet…sorry.)

The dilemma, however, surrounded On the Waterfront. We currently publish this novel with the  film tie-in style cover below,  but want the reissue to fit the style of the Classics list and match the other two Schulberg titles.

Do we drop Marlon Brando and replace him with one simple object to match the style of the other two books? Or do we change the design of the other two novels so we can use the picture of Brando for the cover to On the Waterfront, considering he will resonate more with readers?

Well, after a bit of brainstorming we may have come up with the solution that incorporates both ideas. In other words, we can run with Christina’s new design-concept AND keep Brando on the cover. Christina will be busy at work now turning the idea into reality… so watch this space for the result!

Chiara Priorelli, Publicity & Online Marketing Manager



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