Weekend Reading

It’s the weekend, and like most weekends I need to make sure I have sufficient reading material to ensure I make the most of the weekend’s ‘reading moments’. For example there is…

The slow start moment: This is when I wake up, quickly make myself a cup of tea and then sit in bed reading before officially getting up to start the day. My monthly subscription to EasyLiving magazine (a girl has to have her mag moments) arrived yesterday so I’m covered for that slot.

The outdoor peaceful moment: I’ve been seeing a lot of my sister on the weekend who lives near Holland Park and I’m in love with their Japanese Kyoto garden. If the weather stays warm, it’ll see me perched on a bench finishing off Mutant Message from Down Under, by Marlo Morgan. I’m not enamoured by the writing style, but it has opened my eyes to the fascinating culture of the Aboriginals and it’s the spiritual sort of read that fits perfectly with the peaceful garden setting.

The constructive moment: Lately, I’ve been slacking on the culinary front. Usually I’m good at concocting new recipes but life’s been so busy recently I’ve let things slide. But following a sudden urge to experiment with Asian cuisine, last week I bought The Chopsticks Diet, by Kimiko Barker so it’s about time I try something out.  Soba noodles anyone?

The wind-down moment: Ahh, now this is the truly exquisite weekend bed-time hour when you can relax and read to your heart’s content – without worrying you’re eating into precious sleep-time before the work day alarm goes off.  Susie has just given me Julia’s Chocolates, by Cathy Lamb which sounds like just the sort of women’s read I like before turning off the light.

Bring on the weekend. I’m all set.

Chiara Priorelli, Publicity Manager

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