Wednesday Cover Story: Remarkable Creatures, by Tracy Chevalier

I have a soft spot for book covers. I’m the first to admit that I’ve been coaxed into reading a book purely on the basis of its cover.  Or indeed been put off by it. And I know I’m not the only one.  So, I’ve decided to run a regular slot each week: Wednesday’s Cover Story – to give book covers the spotlight they deserve.

Just drop me an email ( to highlight a cover you love (or hate, or don’t quite get…) and we’ll post it here and see what others have to say about it.

So to start off…

I saw someone reading Remarkable Creatures, by Tracy Chevalier on the tube and was immediately captured by the cover. I love the pale colours, the image of the two women, the font of the title… The image reminds me of the the film poster for The Piano, a movie I found to be very haunting and powerful, so no doubt am transposing those feelings onto this cover. I’m drawn to it, even if the book blurb doesn’t actually appeal to me.

Chiara Priorelli, Publicity & Online Marketing Manager

What’s your say on this cover?

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