Wednesday Cover Story: Petition to change a cover

Some book covers delight readers, others disappoint, and more often than not there are mixed views on the same one – some like it, some don’t. It’s par for the course.

What you don’t expect, is for readers to reaction so strongly to a cover that they set up a petition to change it! but this is, in fact, exactly what has happened after American fans of Lauren Willig‘s acclaimed Pink Carnation series saw the US Publishers’ (Dutton Publishers), proposed new-look cover for the next book in the series.

Their issue? That it undermines the series – a witty and entertaining blend of historical mystery, adventure and romance – presenting it like a cheap ‘bodice-ripping’ romance novel. No, they were having none of that… Read more about the petition here.

A marvellous example of how strongly readers feel about the books they love. I hope that the covers to our UK editions of the novels (three in the series published here so far) meet their approval.

Chiara Priorelli, Publicity & Online Marketing Manager

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