Wednesday Cover Story: Don’t you just Love (Inc.) It?

Following on from the huge success of the Morganville Vampire series, we have been searching for other worthy addition to our YA list.  So I’m delighted to announce that we have recently signed up the brilliant writing pair of Yvonne Collins and Sandy Rideout! We will be publishing the hugely entertaining LOVE INC. in September this year so put it on your calendar now and sign up for an automatic email alert here. It’s kooky, funny and a refreshing change to the fantasy craze.  And here’s a sneak preview of our new UK cover…

You can’t tell on screen but the legs are Spot UV (have a gloss finish) and the text and flowers are foiled (have a shiny metallic finish) which makes it quite snazzy; we’ve already had the thumbs up from four teenagers who say they much prefer it to the US cover; and basically we all just love (Inc.) it!  (Sorry, couldn’t resist…)

Lara Crisp, Managing Editor

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