Twitter Favourites: Professor Snape

Professor SnapeIf you’re an avid follower of our blog, you might remember my previous post on the Twitter Revolution that’s been sweeping our office. It made me decide to showcase some of my favourite posters here, so you can all enjoy their 140-character words of wisdom. This week’s Twitter Favourite has another literary theme – it’s Professor Severus Snape, Potions Master of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry! Yep, he seems to have overcome his hatred of Muggle things to join the Twitter crowd. Here are some of my favourite posts…

“Justin Bieber just became the most-followed person on Twitter. This is why I hate people.” — Professor Snape January 22, 2013

“#SometimesI just want to Avada Kedavra everybody.” — Professor Snape January 12, 2013

“I bet you didn’t get a Hogwarts Letter for Christmas. Muggle.” — Professor Snape December 26, 2012

“#OneOfMyFavoriteMovies Harry Potter and the Half-Prisoner Sorcerer’s Deathly Goblet of Phoenix Secrets.” — Professor Snape December 10, 2012

“Whenever I worry that I’ve been wasting my life, I cheer myself up by remembering that I have never read a Twilight book.” — Professor Snape November 12, 2012

“One of the guys that dated Taylor Swift should write a song called, ‘Maybe You’re The Problem.'” — Professor Snape October 21, 2012

Making sarcasm magical. I also follow our very own Mary Russell, and have noticed a few characters from the Morganville series drifting around the Twittersphere, too. Are there any other literary figures you’ve noticed on Twitter?

Sara Magness, Editorial Administrator

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One thought on “Twitter Favourites: Professor Snape”

  1. This cheered me up. Thank you.

    “Whenever I worry that I’ve been wasting my life, I cheer myself up by remembering that I have never read a Twilight book.”

    My fave. Made me chuckle.

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