Turn your spring cleaning into cash!

It’s that time of the year when the daffs are out, the mornings are brighter and the sunshine streaming through the windows convinces you it’s truly spring – and also highlights the need to clean the windows…  Yes, it’s Spring Cleaning Time.

Now, I’m a complete hoarder and it takes a lot to convince me that something like the adaptor for an old phone, or a Tupperware with no lid, might not actually be a very useful tool at some stage in the future. So it was with some reticence that I tackled the piles of CDs that are now cluttering up on of our cupboards. With MP3 docking stations and dab radios, and our favourite songs uploaded to iPods or iPhones – we never listen to our CDs anymore. But getting rid of our huge collection with so many memories is really difficult, not to mention, I hate the thought of them ending up on a landfill.
But I’ve just discovered a good option: Music Magpie is a brilliant site where you can sell all your old CDs (as well as Games and DVDs). Once you’ve set up an account, you simply enter the ISBN of the item you want to sell, and it will give you a price. It isn’t much, around £2 or £3 per CD, but it soon adds up. Then they send you a letter with instructions and sufficient postage and you send it all off.

We’re expecting a cheque any day now – no doubt we’ll spend it on new stuff to clutter up the cupboard.

Lara Crisp, Managing Editor

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