The reading maze mapped

I’m coming to an end of my latest reads – I was switching between Agatha Christie’s autobiography and slightly weepy chick lit The Knitting Circle, by Ann Hood, an eclectic mix to be sure – and the cupboard is bare of books. Literally, my bedside cupboard, where I store up purchases and library picks, has no new material for me and I’m feeling a little lost.

What I’ll be doing though is looking for inspiration here, at

Enter a name of an author (I just tried Ann Hood) and up springs a map, or as I prefer to think of it, considering the dark blue background and white type, a constellation of other/similar/related authors. The closer the author names are to eachother the more likely you’ll like both of them. It probably isn’t foolproof and my ears are open to any human suggestions, but I’m sure to come across a few new leads here.

Lesley Crooks, Sales & Digital Manager

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