The Love Lettering Project

London is filled with wonderful things, one of which is its huge variety of creative and original art projects. I came across The Love Lettering Project today, created by Lindsay Zier-Vogel, it’s a community arts engagement project that brings love letters to strangers in the form of an anonymous love letter to the city you live in.

There are three components to the project:

1). Reflecting on what you love about the city you live in

2). The creation of the love letter as an art object

The project provides an opportunity for members of the community to engage with the written word and paper arts in a judgment-free, accessible forum.

3). Individuals take their love letter and hide it anonymously for a stranger to find

This final step asks participants to further engage with their physical community, hiding their love letter for a stranger to find with no personal agenda other than the simple pleasure of sharing joy.

What a sweet and positive project. I would love to find one of these messages hidden away in London somewhere; hopefully I might come across one in the next few days.

‘Dear London, I love your possibilities, your green parks peppered between skyscrapers and how I will never run out of new bookshops and sushi restaurants to visit. Love, Sophie.’

What would you put in a love letter to your city?

Sophie Robinson, Publishing Assistant

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