Mindfulness and the Big Poster Challenge

For some reason, my name seems to have found its way onto an online database under Creative Director. Now that’s a fine title to possess, but sadly I can’t claim to hold such official creative prowess. (Would the A* in my Art IGCSE count?…)

So whilst I have to disappoint the illustrators, photographers and creative agencies that bombard me with emails, and explain that their contact information is incorrect, occasionally I get an insight into some interesting projects… Such as this month’s Big Poster Challenge – a competition for creatives to send in their ideas for a poster campaign promoting Mindfulness (a simple form of meditation that alleviates stress).

I note the entries can only come from professional creatives so I needn’t bother to take out my pencil and sketchpad. But we could all use some stress relief, and this competition still inspires. So, even of you are not a professional creative, I would suggest you take a moment or two to stop and think about it. Surely by just taking a break to think about Mindfulness we will become more aware of its worth – precisely what this campaign aims to promote.

Chiara Priorelli, Publicity & Online Marketing Manager

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