A&B Classics

It’s always great when I get to work on a book I really enjoy, and lately with the new additions to our Allison & Busby Classics collection, I’ve been spoilt for choice. Aside from oohing and aahing at the lovely covers, I’ve also really enjoyed reading the books. Bias aside, even if I didn’t work here, I would definitely recommend them!

City of SpadesAbsolute BeginnersMr Love and Justice

My favourite is possibly The Late Mr Shakespeare by Robert Nye (if you’ve read previous blogs you may have realised I’m a Shakespeare geek). It’s a great mixture of fact and fiction, with truths about Shakespeare’s life scattered in amongst the more fantastic imaginings. And it’s not just about Shakespeare – Pickleherring, the narrator, is a brilliantly drawn character. It’s amusing, emotional, and it asks big questions – what do we really know about Shakespeare? What is an author anyway? I don’t think you could ask for more in a great read.

And a sneak preview of more classics to come . . . recently I’ve been working on two Anthony Burgess novels, both of which I’ve really enjoyed. Nothing Like the Sun is another brilliant Shakespeare-themed read, but very different to Robert Nye’s novel; it’s been intriguing to read them both and compare. And also by Anthony Burgess is The Kingdom of the Wicked, which has taught me some things I never knew about Ancient Rome and the beginnings of Christianity. I’m not a history buff, but the story is told so well, with very human and believable characters, that I’ve been drawn in. Looking forward to oohing over those new cover designs soon . . .

Sara Magness, Editorial Administrator

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