Rachel Caine

Rachel Caine – How do keep thinking up new ideas and keep readers hooked?

23 August, 2011

Q. Hello! I’m reading your Morganville Vampire Series and I am very impressed at how you come up with such amazing ideas all in one book, and how you have managed to keep me amazed and interested for every book of the series, you make up complete shocks for every book. Anyway, what I am […]

Rachel Caine – Tips for a wannabe writer?

3 December, 2010

Q. I love your series of books and read all of the time. I was wondering if you have any tips for me, I have always wanted to write a book of my own but dont know where to start? With publishers or what to write? I have some good ideas I am told but […]

Rachel Caine – What were your inspirations for Morganville?

13 October, 2010

Q. Hi Rachel! I’d just like to know what inspired you to do the Morganville series? I am a huge fan and I absolutely adore Claire, Eve, Micheal and Shane! Who inspired the characters? What inspired you to have the setting in Texas? I thought the bullet in The Dead Girls Dance was really clever […]